規格堆高機附油桶夾具搬運兩油桶高效、經濟最小起訂量:1 個CE ISO TUV 堆高機附著油桶夾具功能與應用: 運輸過程中搬運兩或四個油桶,確保夾緊安全可靠,提高搬運效率。廣泛應用於石油、石化、食品等產業的瓶裝貨物堆疊作業。特點: 卓越的臂側軸承,可延長使用壽命 再生液壓閥可實現最佳臂速度,同時能耗更少 出色的駕駛員視野和安全...

Fork positioner adjusts the distance between forks through the hydraulic drive, reduces the labor intensity and improves efficiency, suitable for different specification tray handling occasion. Capacity@ Load Center (kg@mm) Catalog Mounting Class Lateral Range (mm) Carriage Width (A)(mm) Weight (kg) Effective Thickness (ET)mm) Opening Range (mm) Vertical Center of Gravity(CGV) (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity (CGH) (mm) 2500@500 SLC-A002FP 2 ±100 1040 115 75 45-960 255 35 2500@500 SLC-A003FP 2 ±100 1100 122 75 45-1020 255 35 4500@500 SLC-B002FP 3 ...

it is applicable of irregular freight yards in machinery, port, ceramic, building material and agricultureal industries and each pccasion , in which there are no pallets. it carries different cargos of different pallets by adjusing the distance between fork and cargos. and it si no need ofr manual adjustment that it reduce the labor intensity of he pperators and improves the efficiency, as wll as reduces the breakage of cargos. Videos Model Carring Capacity (kg) Frame dimension AB(mm) Range of ...

♦Powerful engine ♦ Low center of gravity, small turning radius, more stable and reliable ♦ Comfortable seat for long-time operation ♦ Safe overhead guard ♦ Rear light for working in the dark ♦ Dual air filter ♦ Streamline balance weight ♦ Side shifter is optional ♦ Optional fork: 1370mm / 1520mm / 1820mm / 2000mm ♦ Optional mast: 2-stage 3.3m / 3.5m / 4m mast; 3-stage 4.5m / 5m / 5.5m / 6m / 7.3m mast ♦ Optional engine: EURO ...

Specifications Powerful engine ♦ Low center of gravity, small turning radius, more stable and reliable ♦ Comfortable seat for long-time operation ♦ Safe overhead guard ♦ Rear light for working in the dark ♦ Dual air filter ♦ Streamline balance weight ♦ Side shifter is optional ♦ Optional fork: 1370mm / 1520mm / 1820mm / 2000mm ♦ Optional mast: 2-stage 3.3m / 3.5m / 4m mast; 3-stage 4.5m / 5m / 5.5m / 6m / 7.3m mast ♦ Optional engine: ...

供應叉車紙箱夾 我公司可以為所有應用提供範圍廣泛的捆包夾;紙漿、廢紙、棉花、煙草、泡沫等。各種容量、開口範圍和臂飾面將確保您獲得適合您應用的正確型號。叉車標準 3.0 噸柴油叉車 2 級,液壓傳動(自動),1.22M 叉,中國發動機 490BPG,氣動輪胎,免維護電池。帶安全帶和穩定桿的座椅 警示燈選項 桅杆:2 級 3.3m/3.5m/4mm 桅杆; 3 級 4.5m/5m/5.5m/6m/7.3mm 桅杆 ...

Selling Point 1. Chinese Automatic Transmission With TCM Technology Improves Operator's Efficiency, Responding Rapidly And Smoothly. 2. Intelligent Buffer Design Avoids Sharp Collision And Minimizes The Risk Of Damage During Lower Of Loads, Wide-view Mast Also Provides High-visibility To The Operator 3. High-Capacity Aluminum Radiator Is Designed For Efficient Thermal Transfer Fin And Oil Cooler For The Transmission Torque Converter, Assists In Improving Iongevity Of Engines. 4. Wide Range Of Diesel, Gasoline, And LPG Engine Options Specification Of Forklift origin ...

叉車附件紙箱夾具3級和1220 * 1420毫米臂尺寸
Carton clamps can safe and efficiently handle all kinds of carton packaging. Apply to tobacco, household electrical appliances(such as refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, and other industries) no pallet handling and stacking operations. Forklift attachment carton clamp class 3 & 1220*1420 mm arm size Specification Capacity @ Load Center Catalog Mounting Class Opening Range Arm Height (mm) Arm Length (mm) Vertical Center of Gravity(CGV) (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity(CGH) (mm) Effective Thickness (ET) (mm) Weight (kg) 1600@535 SLR-A05CC 2 560-1930 1220 ...

規格 負載能力 3000 kg 6613.9 lb 負載中心 500 mm 19.7 吋 動力型 柴油引擎 柴油引擎最大提升速度(含負載) 400mm/s 0.18 mph行駛速度(滿載/空載) 18/20km/h 11.2/12.4 mph 最大塔高(滿載) 15.5/10.5kn 15.5/10.5kn 爬坡能力(滿載) 15/20 % 15/20 % 舉升高度(H ) 3000 毫米 118.1 英吋 自由升程 80 毫米 3.15 英吋 傾斜角度(向前 α-向後 β) 6°/12° 6°/12°最小轉彎半徑 2500 毫米 98.4 英寸直角通道最小寬度 2110 毫米 83.1 英寸間隙135mm ...

經濟型叉車Revoling Bale Clamp Mmanufacture
Material handling equipment lifting equipment bale clamp economical forklift revoling bale clamp manufacturer Applications -Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton, wool, synthetic, textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales. -High efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition. Features & Advantages -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. -Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life. -Ribs provide secure grip and give driver good tip handling and ...

Material handling equipment lifting equipment bale clamp forklift rotating bale clamp Applications -Bale clamp efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled products including cotton, wool, synthetic, textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales. -High efficiency and economy to handle in without work platform condition. Features & Advantages -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. -Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction. -Superior arm-slide bearing for extended service life. -Ribs provide secure grip and give ...